Destiny or Choice - Judas a tragedy

Monday, December 24, 2012

Giving and Gifts

Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh  Matthew 2:11

Many a  Christmas  tableau and  drama  depicts the  scene of the Wise men giving  Jesus the gifts of gold, frankincense  and  myrrh.  We know  about this through songs, movies, skits and perhaps view it mechanically. 
With Gold at  around Rs. 33000/- for  10 grams ( in India )  and  around US$ 1700 an ounce it is  expensive. I have never been able to purchase pure Frankincense though I have experienced its fragrance and have not seen Myrrh.These items are rare and precious and few have access to them.
Extraction of gold, frankincense and myrrh is arduous. Gold is mined from great depths, extracted from rocks  which are crushed into gravel and made into a sludge to separate gold from rock. This gold is then refined in fire to get pure gold. Frankincense and Myrrh are products of trees, however they are not fruits, seeds or leaves which can just be plucked but resins. In both cases the process of extraction involves cutting the bark of particular trees to allow resin to flow out. The resins forms a residue on the bark which is scraped away for purification. In fact the price of all three was similar during those Biblical times.
All the three substances are  gifts in their purest form. 
When we gift  anything to anyone do we gift with the purest of motives?  Perhaps there is an opportunity to review our   motives when we  give gifts. 
When I  look at each of them  I find some significance which prompts me to reflect and ask  myself some questions.
Gold as a substance is  treasured by many a family and is desirable  as it has lasting value. Are the gifts that I give of  Value?  Can the gifts we give have an element of permanency?
Frankincense  is experienced best when it  is burnt. Its fragrance permeates the surroundings and gives a pleasant smell. It is also used as a fumigant.  The  thought from Frankincense is  what is  the quality  and intensity of my Impact?     
Myrrh is used largely to preserve and embalm. It is also used as medicine as it has healing  properties.  It was used to embalm the mummies in Egypt.  A couple of generations later  people  can see the effect of the properties of myrrh.  Myrrh is  one which gives us the gift of Legacy. The Past is  preserved for the future. What is the Legacy I would like to leave for the generations which come after me?
This  Christmas I would urge us all to look beyond Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh and see how your  gifts can  Create  Value, Make an Impact and leave a Legacy even as  we receive the gift of  Hope and Salvation from  Jesus.
Wish you and your  loved ones a very Happy and Blessed Christmas.

December 2012 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I guess we have to look beyond Christmas.. Paul says "I know him (christ)not after flesh"

    Christmas and Easter to me is a celebration of all that are distractions. Festivals are the common ground between world and religion and by celebrating festivals we have allowed the market to take over the church.

    Our life hence must be a celebration every day, in joy or sorrow.. in gain or defeat we must be the same. And what better gift than laying down our lives for fellow men.
