Destiny or Choice - Judas a tragedy

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wisdom is Aspirational

We come to the last of the small creatures- the Lizard.
They are easy to catch and kill, yet are found even in king's palaces!
This is what the Living Bible translation says about the lizards-
They are commonly available but have a royal home.

This is a contradiction of sorts. It is not easy for us to visit the palaces yet the lizards can make their way in.   In our country, there are only specified days in the year when we can go to the Rashtrapati Bhavan or the governors’ residence, whereas  lizards hang out in our homes and also in the kings' palace.

Why are they wise?

They have an ability to climb stone walls. They have a purpose, regardless who catches them they are found to be in the king's palace.

Many of us aspire to visit palaces and given an opportunity, would like to dwell there. You and I have that opportunity to be in the palace of God.

While any can aspire to be  in a King’s Palace, there are  prerequisites to be visiting or living in a King’s palace.

A few years ago  there was an auction of the dresses of the late Princess Diana for a charity. What struck me was the  exquisite quality of the dresses. Being royal they are finely clothed.
One also behaves in a manner which is our Sunday best.  No loose words and profanities are  used.

Let  us  assume that there two prerequisites to be in the King's Palace
  • having the right attire and 
  • putting on our best behavior. 
So if you and I have an ambition to be in the king's palace we need to be appropriately clothed. We have to be dressed according to the dress code given by the King.  Lets us look at some of the clothes available for us to adorn.


14 All I did was just and honest, for righteousness was my clothing!
  Job 29:14 
The Dictionary defines  Righteousness as  characterized by, proceeding from or in accordance with accepted standards of morality, justice or uprightness;  virtuous.

In a world where the order of the day are scams and scandals the verse “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” gives us direction.   The consequences of  being righteous are definitely positive though the  path may be arduous.

16 I will clothe her priests with salvation; her saints shall shout for joy.
  Psalms 132:16
10 I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation; he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, Isaiah 61:10
Salvation  or moksha  (in Hindi) is what we are looking for as humans and it is an attribute of being wise to be clothed in salvation.

Strength from God
1 Wake up, wake up, Jerusalem, and clothe yourselves with strength from God. Put on your beautiful clothes,
  Isaiah 52:1
We usually attempt to do things by ourselves. The perfect way to draw this strength in times of  conflict is to whisper a small prayer. This simple act of submission unleashes the divine powers.

5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.  1 Peter 5:5
Many management gurus have been writing on the potency of humility in making an influence. I have noticed that whenever there is an absence of ego the other listens to your facts and  views.

We are encouraged to clothe ourselves with compassion.  Eric Hoffer an American writer said Compassion is the antitoxin of the soul: where there is compassion even the most poisonous impulses remain relatively harmless.

Now coming to behaviour in front of  a King I am not looking at any white book from a palace but lets look at an example. Even the most courageous of us speak softly in front of a policeman. Similarly with a King and in his palace  our speech is to be frugal and we listen attentively. Our gestures are measured  and respectful.
These are all attributes of being  wise.

 Lizards are wise because of their ability.

Our aim is to be in the king's palace and in the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
When we say "…. Thy kingdom come “ let us prepare our selves to be in his kingdom.

Ants are wise because of the preparation they make.
The Conies are wise because of the protection they enjoy.
Locusts are wise because of the partnership they share.
Lizards are wise because of their ability.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wisdom is Togetherness!

Locusts have no king; they move together, they are wise. It is difficult for us to comprehend how ordinary locusts can be wise. What is the wisdom of these locusts, let’s understand a few graphic images again from the Bible. 

4, 5 If you refuse, tomorrow I will cover the entire nation with a thick layer of locusts so that you won't even be able to see the ground, and they will finish destroying everything that escaped the hail.
6 They will fill your palace, and the homes of your officials, and all the houses of Egypt. Never in the history of Egypt has there been a plague like this will be!' ".
 Ex 10:4-6 (Living)

 4 After the cutter-locusts finish eating your crops, the swarmer-locusts will take what's left! After them will come the hopper-locusts! And then the stripper-locusts too!   Joel 1:4 (Living)

If you ask a farmer here he will dread the locusts.
If he sees a single locust it is inconsequential but many locusts together are indomitable.

They are wise because they are united. They bring about destruction. So the learning for us is also to be united.
Can we be united?
These wise creatures destroy.  If we are united we can also destroy like the locusts. We can destroy what is evil. The beauty of diversity is best seen in collectivity; individually none of us can experience what we experience as a group.

Unity means a couple of small things, which are not so easy yet not impossible. What are they?
Common purpose- having one goal,
Understanding and communication with one another
Supporting and encouraging each other and finally, taking the responsibility for the work.
We need to come together for common causes more than ever today. We  need to look more at the cause than our own agenda.    

What can we destroy by being united? Yes we can destroy all that is evil and all the ideas which promote hate. This is a partnership effort. While taking the unity of the locusts we can go a step further to build love and compassion in our community.

We get strength from being together and it therefore important that we remain united and overcome evil with good.

Locusts are wise because of the partnership they share.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

After the Ants no Anticlimax

How many of us are  familiar with the Coney? Some of you must be aware of them, however for those who don’t know about the conies,  I will take a moment to explain it to you . It is   also  called rock badger. The Coney is a small animal, which has no spines and camouflage or bad smell like the skunk, nor does it have sharp claws or teeth and lastly it does not have poison. It is the most vulnerable of the creatures. It has soft feet and chews cud.

Why are these defenseless animals wise? In today's world where  intelligence is measured by the firepower and nuclear power you possess  yet  here you have these defenceless conies being called wise. They are wise because they make their house in the rocks.
18 High in the  mountains live the wild goats and rocks form a refuge for the coneys..  Psalms 104:18 (Living)

When in trouble  the Coney goes to its house  the Rock. It is not easy to attack you when you are  house is a rock. A snake or a mongoose or other predators cannot harm it  in its house.

In times of trouble where do we go?  We generally think we have the power and can do things ourselves. We learn the hard way that were wrong and have no power.
Do we get comfort from rituals, astrology or superstitions?
Do we go to the rock or the sands?
The Bible  tells us who our rock is. 

2  The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;
      my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.
   He is my shield, the power that saves me,
      and my place of safety. Psalms 18:2 (Living)

24 “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Matt 7:24 ( Living)

Where do we build our lives ?  on the Rock or Sands ?
Our foundation should be on the rock. Love Trust and Justice are important stones in this foundation. When you have  foundation on the rock you need not fear in times  of trouble.

The Conies are wise because of the protection they enjoy.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Four Little Creatures one by one!!

In a little village there once lived a boy who was supposed to be dull-witted.  The men of the village used to find great amusement in offering him a choice between a five rupee and a one rupee coin, of which he invariably chose the one rupee coin.  A stranger one-day saw him choose the one rupee rather than five rupee coin, and asked him for the reason.  "Is it because the one rupee is larger?" the stranger asked.  "No" was the response, "not because it is the biggest.  But if I took the five rupee coin, they would soon stop offering it."  
You would agree that the boy was not dull after all but quite wise.

Our elders and  parents usually  drill down the importance of becoming wise. Their obsession can sometimes drive even a sane person  to have doubts about herself/ himself.  My mother however used to make me read the book of  Proverbs  frequently and I found these verses  about  small creatures being exceedingly wise surprised me.  Lets see the verses 

 24There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise:
   25The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer;
   26The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks;
   27The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands;
   28The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces.

Proverbs 30: 24-28 KJV

It intrigued me to think that an ant, lizard or a locust could be wise.

The word exceedingly is a superlative and I thought we could spend a few moments to understand why these animals are exceedingly wise.
I am sure you would also be curious to know why they are wise.
In fact we all want intelligence and wisdom since we have to contend with work, studies and different situations in life.

In the next few days I shall share a few thoughts about each of these exceedingly wise creatures. 

Let’s take quick journey as to what makes an Ant a wise creature.


Ants are creatures of small strength yet they store up food in summer. When you have plenty, you don’t really care for tomorrow. Summer is normally a time for holidays. Many of us go of on a holiday and take a break. We normally do not work in summer. The ants however are very hard working during summer. Can you picture that? They are storing up food for the winter. Winter's are generally cold and are unable to do any work. If there is no food we will starve and die.
Let us see what is said further about the ants:

6 Take a lesson from the ants, you lazy fellow. Learn from their ways and be wise!
7 For though they have no king to make them work,
8 Yet they labor hard all summer, gathering food for the winter.
9 But you--all you do is sleep. When will you wake up?
  Prov 6:6-9 (Living)

The key words are no ruler or king to make them work.
Do you really need your father to take off on you to study hard and work?
Do you need your boss to breathe down your neck and supervise you?
No one tells the ant that it should plan and store its food.
No one need tell us what to do,  we can learn from the Ant.

How do you ensure that the food will last for the winter?
  1. You have to create a storage place
  2. You have to see that it is secure from rats and thieves
  3. You see that it has a proper lock
  4. Ensure that there is no moisture or the grains would get spoilt

The granaries of the ants are generally 5 inches in diameter and half an inch high, several of these are interconnected and scattered over two yards in diameter and a foot deep in the soil.

They do not have locks but they must ensure that the grains do not get spoilt. They pluck the seed from the plant often from the portion called the head or radicle this is to prevent the seed from germinating. They next remove the   outer covering or chaff and even put the seed in the sun to dry.

This friend is a simple example of forethought.

People without strength, by diligently working together, rise to positions of great strength.

What do we have to do?  What does Jesus say? What is the foresight we need?

33 “Sell your possessions and give to those in need. This will store up treasure for you in heaven! And the purses of heaven never get old or develop holes. Your treasure will be safe; no thief can steal it and no moth can destroy it. 34 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be..  Luke 12:34 (Living)

Take the example of Noah:
7 Noah was another who trusted God. When he heard God's warning about the future, Noah believed him even though there was then no sign of a flood, and wasting no time, he built the ark and saved his family. Noah's belief in God was in direct contrast to the sin and disbelief of the rest of the world--which refused to obey--and because of his faith he became one of those whom God has accepted.  Heb 11:7 (Living)

It would have sounded really stupid to build a ship on dry ground actually on a hill.
Noah trusted God and he had the foresight to work hard in his summer and then be saved from certain death,
If we want to put away economic strangulation and death we need to work hard.
Ants are wise because of the preparation they make.

How can we be wise to use our life and prepare for our salvation? 


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Threshold of Eternity

You might be really feeling low with a loved ones Death

Let us look at things optimistically.

What is Death really?

Death is the fulfillment of Life’s purpose.

Death is attaining maturity.

Acknowledgement of Death is in truth acknowledging Eternity.

Can there be Eternity without Physical death?

Eternity the very word should fill you,

Should envelop you with  Hope

Hope undistilled

Hope is what leads us on.

Should we reject something because it is unpleasant,  sad  and painful?

Should we attempt not to face reality?

Growth and learning takes place from experiences which are  unpleasant, sad & painful.

Let us look at Death as the happy culmination of physical life.

Let us view Death as the Threshold Eternity.

I had penned these lines in a letter to my father one evening in January 1986. This is one of my early pictures which I took on the January 26th morning 1986 on an inspiration and a borrowed camera. On developing the  picture I realised it was a summary of my thoughts.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Praising God

On the August 8th I was in the hospital ward at Shillong NEIGRIHMS where my Father In Law Dr. Kaushal Vincent  ( Pa as we affectionately call him) was admitted following recurrence of cancer after a year and a half afer  he was operated.
Pa was barely able to speak, he was however happy to see Naz his daughter and Grandchildren and the fact that  we made it to see him. He was also given oxygen as he was finding it difficult to breathe normally.

My Mother In Law asked me to read a few verses from the Bible. I had to make a quick decision. I did not want to read the usual verses which portray imminent passing away.
For me a Christian Life is a Life of victory and  in all circumstances we need to Praise God, especially in difficult times since  it the Love and Mercy of God which would  strengthen our Faith and come out stronger.

I chose Psalm 150  as it is  Psalm of praise and started reading it slowly.
the first two verses were nice
1 Praise the LORD. [a]
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens.

2 Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Yes this made sense at this context, however  when I came to the next 3 verses, I wondered if I made a mistake in choosing this chapter especially with Pa being so sick,

Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,

praise him with the harp and lyre,

4 praise him with tambourine and dancing,
praise him with the strings and flute,

5 praise him with the clash of cymbals,
praise him with resounding cymbals.

I was wondering how could I read about clash of cymbals when the person can hardly speak. What relevance to Trumpets and Lyre have in a hospital ward which is hush hush.

However the last verse opened my eyes and saw that it has a special meaning in a context like this.
It also reaffirmed my belief that the Bible is a Living Word and speaks to us in our context.

6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.

Praise the LORD.

I read this verse again slowly  and with the oxygen tube to his nose, Pa nodded and smiled.
The simple truth that we can praise God in any circumstance  became so real to each one of us and more so to Pa. 

After a few moments our children Esther and Rakshan spontaneously broke in to this lovely song God will make a way,  please read the lyrics and listen to the song as well.

God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, He will make a way.

By a roadway in the wilderness, He'll lead me
And rivers in the desert will I see
Heaven and earth will fade
But His Word will still remain
He will do something new today.

God will make a way,
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, He will make a way 

Their soft and gentle voices brought a serenity to the evening time.  We have sung this song many a time in  the cosy comfort of routine family prayers. Little do we understand the meaning and impact of the lyrics  and for each us present that evening  we  shed a tear but were strengthened that God will make a way  for Pa.

The next day Pa went into the ICU and was put on life support.  For a week every gesture and a  nod was enough excitement  to us that he  has understood us.  Naz was able to read the Psalm 23 on Monday night and She prayed with Pa  taking all loved ones  and friends by  name and thanked God for Pa's life and ministry.
In the stillness of wee hours of August 17th  2010, Pa moved on to Eternity leaving a grateful family of Pearly his dear wife, Yasmeen Nazarene and Rishot the children along with Tony Della and my self the extended children and loving Grandchildren  of Yohann, Rhea, Esther Rakshan and Kelly.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Destiny or Choice - Judas a tragedy


Destiny or Choice

As we go through this Maundy Thursday, it is but natural to think about Judas Iscariot. I  was thinking deep and hard about Judas and would like to share a few things I discovered through my  meditation.
I usually try to find out the meaning of the names and here’s what I found. The word Judas, as referred in the New Testament, comes from the Greek  word Judas and Hebrew word Judah. The latter comes from the Hebrew root yada meaning “to give thanks aloud, praise”
Judah the son of Jacob and father of the tribe that was known by that name (Gen 35:23) called Judas in NT (Mt 1:2-3). Judas Iscariot, Greek Iskariotes meaning “inhabitant of Keriot” derived from the Hebrew  ‘Ish’ means 'man' hence “man of kerioth”.
One interesting finding is that all  the disciples of Jesus except Judas were from Galilee, a very fertile area. Kerioth, from where Judas hailed, was west of the Dead Sea. Judas, therefore, as the only person not from Galilee, must have felt like an outsider. He would have thought of himself not belonging to the group. Today, if we have people of one community in one organization, chances are they will communicate with each other in their language. A person not belonging, not sharing a common background, may not be able to share the jokes, culture, practices of the group. Perhaps, Judas also felt that way.


Action of Lord Jesus

Jesus, being sensitive to these group dynamics, creates a structure for acceptance of Judas. Judas, a non-Galilean is given a position of Trust. He is made the treasurer of the Mission of Jesus. In so doing, Jesus communicates to Judas – I trust you.  I have chosen you and I will include you in the group. I have confidence in you Judas, so disciples, please accept him.
Given this context, let us examine two words which lead to Good Friday. The first is Temptation and the next Betrayal.
TEMPTATION: Act of tempting, enticement and allurement. Given below is a perspective from the Bible Dictionary.
Definition of Temptation
(1.)  Trial;  being put to the test.
(2.)  It is  generally understood as the enticement of a person to commit sin by offering some seeming  advantage.  The sources of  temptation are Satan, the world and the flesh. The nearest  to a definition of the process of temptation from  within is given in James 1:14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.
(3.)  Satan tempts us  to every kind of evil and lays snares for us, even in our  best actions. He lays inducements before our minds to solicit us to sin.  Hence Satan is called that ‘old serpent’,  the devil, and  ‘ the tempter’, ( ‘Now when the tempter came to Him’ Mathew 4:3).
Unger’s  Bible Dictionary 

BETRAYAL : To deliver or expose to an enemy by treachery or disloyalty; to be unfaithful in guarding , maintaining.
[Middle English bitrayen : bi-be- + trayento betray (from Old French trair, from Latin tradere  which means  to hand over.
-          Betrayal is to be unfaithful
Let us go further and look at these 2 words.
While giving into temptation, one gives away oneself. In betraying, one not only gives away oneself, but also another. Therefore in betrayal  one  is being unfaithful to another.
Judas was trusted by Jesus. Jesus had Faith  in Judas, who in turn was unfaithful to Jesus.
We get hurt when friends, people with whom we share affection and trust, betray us. Don’t we lose sleep? Jesus would have felt the same. We feel terrible when people we love are unfaithful to us. We have a faith, a faith in Lord Jesus. When we are unfaithful  to Jesus, in truth we are betraying him.
Here are some questions which would be on your minds as you read this. Did Judas have to betray Jesus? Did he have a choice? Some people say that it was destined for Judas to betray Jesus and there was nothing he could do about it. Psalm  109 clearly outlines what would befall the person who betrays the Lord

    10 May his children be wandering beggars; may they be driven [d] from their ruined homes. 
    11 May a creditor seize all he has; may strangers plunder the fruits of his labour.
    12 May no one extend kindness to him or take pity on his fatherless children.
    13 May his descendants be cut off,
       their names blotted out from the next generation.
Certainly Judas and other disciples would have read this Psalm and were aware of the consequences of betrayal.
We may think it is destined. Pause for a moment and let us   explore the Acts of Jesus to understand the Character of Jesus  and the Character of man.
1)  Judas was the Treasurer of the Mission of Christ. He was exalted to a position of Trust even though he was not a Galilean.
2) Jesus tells his Disciples at the last supper, "One of you will betray me." ( John 13:21). What does this mean? Jesus is appealing to the Intellect and conscience of Judas. "Judas, do you really want to do it?" Judas had the option. He could have turned back even then. Even though you are on the path of destruction you can still turn back.
3) The master, in all humility, washes Judas’s feet as well. In so doing he appeals to Judas' conscience, "Will  you still betray me?"  Jesus is demonstrating that to be king, you have to serve. In order to be glorified, you have to be humble. Judas will you still betray a man who is humble? Judas had an option to come back into communion with the Master. Further in John 13-10  Jesus answered, "A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you."  For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not everyone was clean.
4) In the Passover, the Sop is given first to the person who’s loved. Jesus is appealing to the Heart of Judas. Judas – I love you. And I want you to be saved. Would you still attempt to go through the night? The honour and love Jesus gave Judas was of no avail. Judas chose ­­­­­not to forsake the Pharisees.
5) Lastly, at the garden, Jesus asks the soldiers, "Whom do you seek?" “Jesus of Nazareth,” they say, to which Jesus answers “It is I”
This answer communicates - Judas it's not too late to turn back. Jesus identifies himself so there is no need for Judas to identify him. Jesus gives another opportunity. But Judas chooses to go ahead since Satan was total control.
John 3:17 says, for God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.
There was more hope for the thief on the cross than Judas. He acted on his own free will. He had an option, but chose to reject and betray a friend and saviour.
We also have options and opportunities. How do we use them?
See the beauty of the character of Christ. He understands that ‘despite you  knowing me, you will betray me, however, I will not let that knowledge influence my own character. In spite of all the things you may do, I will still  love you and save you’.

Satan cannot attack when  you are in communion  with God

Pharisees couldn’t  attack and capture Jesus, as they were afraid of the crowd. The Pharisees were scared that people will revolt... they were delighted at the betrayal opportunity. What does that mean?
Satan cannot attack you. You are invincible when in communion with God. Attack is only possible through temptation and  betrayal.


Behaviour of Disciples

Let us now shift gears from Jesus and look at ourselves. What do you think of the behaviour of the disciples in the passage from the Bible?
17When evening came, Jesus arrived with the Twelve. 18While they were at the table eating, Jesus said, "What I'm about to tell you is true. One of you who is eating with me will hand me over to my enemies." 19The disciples became sad. One by one they said to him, "It's not I, is it?"
If your father were to announce in the family that one of you will betray him, what will be your response? If your spouse or close friend were to say that you will betray him/ her what would be your response? Would you say, could it be me?
Jesus made this statement to the disciples and the response to the  question is, “ It's not I' is it?” This response can come from a person who is really not confident and sure of himself or herself. This statement of  Jesus made each and every disciple think for himself. The response is at a deep and personal level.
If at this Lenten time Jesus were to say one of you will betray Him, what will your response be? There are three key aspects here:
1.       Do we have the courage to say affirmatively it is 'not me', rather than question 'could it be me?'
2.       If you question 'could it be me?' then there is a need for us to increase in our faith and fellowship with Jesus.
3.       Finally the potential to betray is in each of us. We need not look down on Judas. He took thirty pieces of silver whereas we might do it for 30 Rupees as well.
Why 30 pieces? –  If the bull gores a male or female slave, the owner must pay thirty shekels of silver to the master of the slave, and the bull must be stoned.
You can look at the contempt Judas had for Jesus by accepting the money  paid for the accidental death of a slave by bull. He thought of Jesus as a slave and sold him to the Bulls (high priests) for a deliberate death.


Position of Trust

When you are  in a position of Trust what happens to you?
You are vulnerable. You are more susceptible to temptation.
Satan entered Judas  after the last Supper(John 13:27). In today’s context it could be just after our Holy Communion.
We need to be aware of ourselves when we are in God’s chosen position.
When we see the tragedy of Judas, we get to see the character of Satan, who enters with our consent and leaves at his will. Satan enters you in the wilderness of your life and leaves you in a wilderness. What does this mean? When you are alone with nothing to tempt you Satan enters you.
Satan went into Judas and left him alone with his guilt. Judas was alone when he died.  He died without witnesses.
Jesus says … Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.  Rev 3:20
Hebrews 13:5 says, Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

May the presence of the Living Christ be always with you.

Emmanuel David

Friday, March 26, 2010

Rolling away the TombStone

If we read  the obituary notices of our  local newspaper  any morning we understand the grief many persons are going thru. In fact difficulties, sickness and ill health, sorrow are  something each  of us  have been or are experiencing on a day to day basis. It is not easy to cope with these situations.

In situations like this what do we do?  
What actions do you take? 
What is your response? If we get a solution or  a road map into the future how do we respond?
Well to get into more details and seek answers  to my question I would like you meet an interesting woman form the Bible.
As you would have guessed she is Martha from the Bible. Let us quickly understand a few  aspects of her personality.  We  first read of her in  Luke  10th chapter
  38As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.39She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. 40But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!"
    41"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, 42but only one thing is needed.[f] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

Here she comes  across as a

  1. 1.       Worried Housekeeper – she distracted by all the preparations she was making
  2. 2.       Energy -  she moved about quickly ,  she went to meet the  master
  3. 3.       Anxious Care – you can understand this when she says “, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" Many a time we are like  her. Complaining that our brothers in the field are not helping us in the day to day work. We are anxious when we lack focus.
  4. 4.       Spiritual Knowledge – she had reasonably good spiritual knowledge and could last a few verses in the interview with Christ.
  5. 5.       Finally  she had faith.  We will  understand her Faith a little more clearly today.
  6. Can we  identify a Martha in our family.
In our day to day life we have issues and problems   we then pray to Jesus to help us . Jesus  listens to our prayer and tells you I am going to solve your problem.  Then what do we  do?
What do we do when we meet Jesus.?
What kind of a faith do we display when we meet Jesus?
We read in verse 20 :20When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet him, but Mary stayed at home. Going out to meet Jesus is an  Excellent  action.  Many of us sitting here do go out to Meet Jesus. 

She also displays a  Faith in saying Lord if you are here my brother would not have died. There is no presence for death when Christ is present.  
Pause for a moment.  What is the faith she is displaying.
She has a Complaining Faith. In fact my children when reading this portion told me “ Daddy I don’t like the fact that Martha and Mary have accused Jesus of not being present with them. “ Martha complained  about the absence of Jesus. Her complaining only limited her Faith.  Today however we cannot complain and say “ Lord if you have  had been here” since we know that  Christ  is Risen and is present in our midst. Jesus is present even now with us.
She realizes she should not have complained and tries to make it comfortable for Jesus  by saying in verse 22 22But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask."
She makes a bigger mistake now.  She is now limiting Jesus to a level below  God.  When we meet Jesus we also limit his power overwhelmed by the problems and issues we are facing.
She also has a questioning faith.  She did not entrust the matter completely to Jesus. She questions if Jesus has done what is best
She questions if Jesus knows what is best by her Lord if you would have been here.
Jesus speaks in simple language and tells her Martha I will perform a miracle.  Your brother will rise again.  She is not listening.  Brothers and sisters we have an answer to our prayer, we have an answer to  our  questioning faith yet we are not listening to the answer.  We are listening with our ears only and not with our hearts.
We need to pause on  reflect on the words of Jesus and understand his answers to our Prayer.  I am still overwhelmed by my circumstance and I tell  Jesus, Listen  I know the concept very clearly. I know that will happen at a later time but solve my problem now.
The promise of resurrection and  reunion is of not a comfort, I have a problem now and I need a solution to  my grief. My brother has gone and my context has changed. It is all about me.

What is happening here is that Martha has a fundamental knowledge. Her basics in faith are correct.
However to be a Christian  and live victoriously we need to Live our Faith. Mere knowledge is not enough.  We need to experience a vibrant and living faith which is dynamic, communicating and worshipping. We need to tell each other stories of what Jesus has done for us. 
Merely knowing the commandments and reciting the Lords Prayer  with out  living them is not of consequence.
Lets not have a questioning or complaining Faith like Martha but build on the Fundamental Faith we have so that each day becomes a joyous anticipation.

Martha affirms her faith clearly and tells  Jesus that she believes  that he  is Christ the Son of God.
While many commentaries say that  Martha has declared her faith in these verses. My view is different. It is ok speak  but the real acid test is when we  have to match Action to our words. We agree to any of the words of the  preachers’,  Bible, our parents as long we have to agree to the words.
However   when we have to let the stone be rolled away we  exclaim “ But , Lord”
In an effort to help people grow as persons, one of the worlds leading coaches Marshall Goldsmith, who is also a friend, said that the  use – "no" "but" or "however"  does not help in building a mature relationship.  These are very limiting words.

We are wanting Jesus to be in the comfort of the church and drawing rooms. We don’t want him to put a demand on us and a confrontation with our realities of sin.
We simply do not want our  tombs to be opened.
Why do we say  “ But Lord?
There are  several ways we say "But Lord", It is our fear, we have our superstitions.  I think we still look for the good days and moments to start a work. At wedding times it is most evident  for example the number of persons to meet some one.
We don’t take risks. Jesus took risks for example he walked on water. If you go to a tourist destination  you take a horse ride. Jesus rode a donkey. Can you or I do it?  I  am not sure if I would do it.
We  are so much caught up in the present that we don’t have a vision of the future.   We have an example of Zechariah who is praying for a child  and when he meets angel Gabriel who tells him clearly “ your prayer has been heard “ asks  “ How can this be possible.?   We simply do not have a vision of the Future. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we donot see.  An exercise of Faith is to imagine that what we hope for becomes a reality.
Let not fear, superstition, and our clouded vision deny Jesus to perform a miracle in our lives.
By saying But Lord through our actions and words we are limiting the power  and authority of Jesus.
He can do things that absolute and impossible in our views. We may look foolish in peoples in eyes, we are in the world and not of the world. Let us have the courage to look foolish in the eyes of People for God.
I want to bring three aspects of Jesus in this event

  1. He had foreknowledge of what is to happen.  We are all fully known.
  2. Jesus was praying for Lazarus, Mary and Martha.  "Father, I thank you that you have heard me.
  3. He spoke in the past tense in his prayer. This is assurance for each one us.
Jesus is unchanging.  Inspite of Martha’s questioning faith, he did what he thought was  needed to done.
Inspite of our shortcomings Jesus  is changeless.

Finally Jesus did not say  “ But Lord “ while  on the Cross. It would have been really painful yet he bore our sins and shed his blood. He matched his words  of "I am the resurrection and Life" with His actions on the Cross.
The most beautiful thing  aspect of this passage is the empty tomb. Jesus has conquered death, one of our biggest fears  while we live. To have an empty tomb we need to  roll away the stone.
WE need to roll away the stone so that the smell may be gone,
so that the darkness is illuminated.
We need to roll away the stone to expose our weaknesses and vulnerabilities so that  the Assurance My Strength is made perfect  in your weakness becomes a reality.
Let us with a living faith roll away the stone so that we may truly experience the resurrection.
He can do things that could fulfil our deepest desires.
Roll away the stones and expose the empty tomb at this Lenten time.