Destiny or Choice - Judas a tragedy

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Trust an unknown future to a Known God

Many years ago, I was called to the office of the CEO of the company I worked at. He informed me that he would not like for me to continue working with them, after which he asked me to resign. Conversations such as this aren’t typically pleasant and neither are their outcomes. As someone in HR, I had been on the other side of this conversation many times. Having been at the receiving end this time, I had to take it with equanimity.

I went home and told Nazarene, my wife, about this conversation and its outcome. Naturally, we felt disappointed and forlorn thinking about the future. We happened to be in the midst of shifting houses at that time and needed to clear some items from the old house. We therefore went to the old house later that evening to clean it up.

Lying on the floor in the living room amidst all the dust was half of a poster that I purchased when I started working in the early eighties. Here it is:

Nazarene noticed it and pointed it out to me. We both stood still for a few moments and felt the Lord Himself speak to us. We felt a reassuring calmness and we reaffirmed our Faith in God. Over the years, we’ve grown in our spiritual life. God has been faithful to us despite various troughs and valleys thereafter.

Now, as I reminisce about what happened so long ago, I am awestruck by God’s blessings on me. I superannuated as Director of TMTC a few months ago. When many in the world were laid off, I was asked to continue beyond my retirement age, which was an added blessing. We have all enjoyed good health, the love and affection of family and friends and the opportunity to work, contribute and make a difference. I am living a future that was unknown to me so many years ago and it is all because of God’s grace.

Jesus says in Matthew 6:33,  “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

As we close 2021, my family and I express gratitude for the year gone by and look forward in hope to 2022.

We wish you good health, peace and happiness for 2022 and leave this assurance “ Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a Known God.”

 Wish you a blessed 2022

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